Monday, September 22, 2008

At-tagged by A Certain Don-ut!

So, I was at-tagged by Don and the rules said that I have to share six weird stuffs about myself and then, tag six other pretty souls to share. Before I begin, here's the chosen six. *Drums-rolls* please. The brother and sister pair of Justin and Amanda. Barny Choo. Serene Siau or "Siao". Joseph Chang. And all the way from Istanbul, Jacinth! If you have shared before, just ignored this. "Why so serious" right?

So, here's my top six. But I have to say that its been really difficult to find any weird stuffs about myself. haha. And most of the six was digged deep from the past. I am healed already. Ha. But I will just share for the fun and laughters and for Don juan de marco.

No.1) During my childhood days, I love to play with wooden-peg. Yes, it must be made of wood. No wood, no play. And don't ask me how I play. Cos it was not possible to describe the procedure here. All I can say is that one need to be very creative in order to play the game. Ha. Just throw me a peg (rem, it must be wooden one.) and I will jude (show) you. I rem I was so addicted to it that one fine day, when I couldn't find my peg, I stole one from my neighbour to get my fixed. I was living at third storey and need to go down to second floor, without my slippers, to steal one like a ninja. It was truely satisfying and indeed, mad. I thank God Jesus helped me to kick out this crazy hadit or else, I might be in Buangkok resort and not compassvale rd.

No.2) Again, during my dark childhood period, I had this bad habit of clapping my hand over my mouth. First, it seems pretty alright cos its the way we were brought up. We were taught to clap our mouths when we said something wrong or bad, like vugalarities. But, soon, it became a bad habit for me. I need to do it like when i got nothing better to do, haha.., or when I was stressed. It was like a stress-reliever for me. Haha. Again, Tk God that He healed me or else this clapping my mouth plus playing with wooden peg really makes me looks like a crazy man or, in fact, not just looks like, but is already one. And is a creative one. Ha.

No.3) Again, the dark childhood period. I MUST drink 3 cans of coke everyday. Its a must for every meals except breakfast. But, now, I am healed. Tk God. In the past, our fridge looks like one from a provision shop, packed with drinks. But, actually, now still is. Just that its more of healthier choices like milo, green tea, yakult and yogut. No carbonated drinks, except, 100 plus. But I do drink coke once a while to get the needed sugar rush when I was moody and down. It helps. Hee...

No.4) The present. I need to/have to/must, cracked my knuckles on my fingers and toes. I will do it before I woke up and before sleep and whenever I feel like it. :)

No.5) Talked about toes. I have flat-foot.

No.6) I do get depress quite easily I guess, so I think its weird given my jovial personality. Or maybe, its becos of those grave-yard shifts! Aaargh, dame it! Lack of sleep=Lack of love. So please, when Im tired, leave me alone!!! (I will try to be fair here. I will let you know when Im tired k? Haha.)

So, that's all folks! Hope you do enjoy them. Have a nice day wherever you are.


1 comment:

Joan said...

Flat foot is so common, nothing that can't be solved by a NICE PAIR OF SHOES!!!
btw I did this in my FB account.... enjoy, bro XD
